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Street Fashion is everywhere. It started in England and become growing in years so fast. Nowadays, when you go to the streets in London, Japan, New York, mostly all you can is street fashion. Common fashion often becomes applicable with street fashion trends as influences. Today, street fashion is getting amazingly popular. Most major youth subcultures have had a leading street fashion. Street style is contrasting all around the globe.

However, why do we like street fashion that much?

The answer is easy. It is comfy, bohemian, colorful and simple as it is to combine. A fashion lover cannot reject chic and luxury in the same place. Street style fashion is mostly partnered with youth culture, and is sometimes considered in major urban centers.

London is seen as one of the most critical and big Fashion capitals but in contrast to Italy and France, London's look is more close to the fashion sense of elite, aristocracy and big street style culture.

Social Media has a good effect on trending fashion.

Currently, social media channels especially Instagram and Pinterest have become an active way in fashion practices to affect the consumer base as well as become bigger through brand exposure. Blogs that focus on fashion brands and products, street style and personal style in particular are the largest parts of the blog marketplace. Fashion blogs, or style blogs, are blogs that focus on fashion and beauty and are produced by influencers & bloggers who self-identify as stylists, creating their own accurate looks and bringing to light them in urban places.

As the result of the boundless outspread of Fashion blogs, the level of engagements has risen incredibly, the gap between fashion homes, publications, and people is narrowing. Within everyday individuals can communicate, share their personal experiences and aspects with their street fashion styles.